Let's Talk Numbers

NOTE: the above estimate is for guidance only — please ensure you have agreed a specific fee before applying for admittance.
£0.50 per funded hour for 2-5 year olds is charged for offering the Montessori approach.
For irregular or ad hoc sessions, fees are payable in advance at £11/hour for 1-2 year olds, £9/hour for 3–4 year-olds.
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: Due to practical constraints, total nursery hours offered on enrolling will comprise a mixture of funded and unfunded hours (except for disadvantaged children where fully funded hours provided). For a funding split with another nursery, please also consult the office to see if this is practical.
If you'd like your child to be admitted to our Montessori Nursery, please email manager@montessorinorthoxford.org or call 01865 5311364. Alternative contacts are admin@montessorinorthoxford.org or 01865 554954 (office).
We have a duty to report/share safeguarding concerns about any child in our care to the relevant authorities.
See "Policy for Safeguarding Children" and "Privacy Notice (GDPR)".